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Loading required package: pacman
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Lecture 3: Credit Markets and Microfinance
Harounan Kazianga
Oklahoma State University
Spring 2024
Loading required package: pacman
DR Chapters 14
Morduch “The Microfinance Promise”
Morduch, J. (2011). Chapter 12: “Does Microfinance Really Help the Poor? New Evidence on Flagship Programs in Bangladesh”. In S. R. Osmani, and M. A. Baqui Kalily (Eds.), Readings in Microfinance: Reach and Impact (pp. 323-349). The working paper version can be downloaded here
Discussions of the next three topics – Rural sector:
Also applicable to informal sector analysis
Characterized by missing or imperfect markets.
Information concerns:
Unobserved actions.
Unobserved types.
Incentive issues:
Short-term contracts.
Enforcement concerns:
Limited Liability.
Breaking Agreements.
Most farming households in developing countries have low incomes, and thus have little or no savings. Without savings, two kinds of credit are needed:
Unfortunately, often little credit is available in rural areas, and what little there is may be available at high interest rates.
Note: the slides on insurance are posted on Canvas.
Inherent Risk of Agriculture. Private banks and other private moneylenders are usually in the business to make money, and they can do so only if they are repaid. If they are pretty certain that they will get repaid, they will lend a lot of money, but if they are worried about repayment, they will limit the amounts they lend, usually lending only to low risk borrowers. Because agriculture is often a high-risk activity, lenders will either not make loans to agricultural households, or will lend only small amounts, and at fairly high interest rates.
Lack of Collateral. Lenders want to get repaid (with interest). If they have doubts about getting repaid, they want the borrower to pledge some collateral that they can take if the borrower defaults. But rural households often have very little to offer as collateral. The main thing they may have is land, which they are reluctant to use (because if they lose it they will be in big trouble). In traditional societies where land is allocated by a village leader, the farmer may not have the right to pledge the land as collateral.
Interest rates are high and variable in low-income countries
There are several big reasons for this:
We will review the theory first, and then we will discuss microfinance
This way, it will be more apparent which problems (in theory) microfinance is designed to solve.
\(L=\) total amount lent out
\(r=\) opportunity cost of funds (e.g. the lender could invest in risk-free government bounds that pay interest rate \(r\))
\(i=\) interest rate
\(p=\) fraction of loan that will be repaid
Expected profit \(( E[\pi] )\) is:
\[E\left[ \pi \right] = p\left[L(1+i)-(1+r)L\right]+(1-p)\left[-(1+r)L \right]\]
\[ E\left[ \pi \right] = p\left[(1+i)-(1+r)L \right] \]
\[ E\left[ \pi \right] = L\left[ p(1+i)-(1+r) \right] \]
This means that expected profit is zero
So, \(p(1+i) = 1+r\), i.e. \(1+i=\frac{1+r}{p}\)
Interest rate \(i\) is decreasing in \(p\), i.e. the interest rate is increasing in \(1-p\), the default rate
r | p | i |
0.05 | 1.0 | 0.05 |
0.05 | 0.9 | 0.17 |
0.05 | 0.8 | 0.31 |
0.05 | 0.7 | 0.50 |
0.05 | 0.5 | 1.10 |
0.05 | 0.3 | 2.50 |
The figures in Table 1 assume that lender is risk neutral: if lender is risk averse, \(i\) would be even bigger
\(i\) is big because banks must raise rates to deal with high probability of default.
Assume that farmer is risk neutral \(u(c)=c\)
Incurring effort involves costs \(D\)
Probability of payoff \(R\) is \(p\) if he works hard, and \(q<p\) if he does not work hard
What if farmer cannot borrow, but can finance himself (he comes up with \(L\) that he could lend to himself at interest rate \(i\))
The farmer loses \(L(1+i)\) if crop fails, which is more likely to happen the less hard the famer works
Expected utility is:
\(p(R-(1+i)L-D)+(1-p)(-(1+i)L-D)\) if works hard, and
\(q(R-(1+i)L)+(1-q)(1+i)(-L)\) if does not work hard
The farmer works hard if the first quantity is bigger than the second one, or
\[ pR-(1+i)L-D>qR-(1+i)L \]
This holds if \(D<(p-q)R\)
Call \(D^{*}_{1}\) the value of \(D\) that makes the farmer exactly indifferent between working hard and slacking, i.e.
\[ D^{*}_{1}=(p-q)R \]
Moral hazard: what if the bank cannot observe what people are doing?– cannot tell if someone is working hard or not?
Combine this with limited liability: the farmer does not have to pay anything if crop fails
Then farmer payoff if he works hard: \(p(R-(1+i)L-D)+(1-p)(-D)\)
and if he does not work hard: \(q(R-(1+i)L)\)
Now what does the farmer do?
Work hard if $ pR-p(1+i)L-D > qR-q(1+i)L $
which holds if $ D < (p-q) $
Call \(D^{*}_{2}\) the level of effort that makes the farmers indifferent between working hard and slacking under moral hazard, i.e.
\[ D^{*}_{2}=(p-q)[R-(1+i)L] \]
Key point (verify that by yourself) \[ D^{*}_{2}<D^{*}_{1} \]
We know that the farmer works only if \(D\) is lower than this threshold
Hence farmer is less likely to work hard
Insight: the farmer still gets payout \(R-L(1+i)\) if his crop is a success, but gets \(0\) instead of \(-L(1+i)\) if his crop is a failure
-The farmer does not bear the downside risk
-Therefore the farmer is less concerned about crop failure than he should be and works less hard to avert it.
If the bank had better information, it could simply not pay the farmer if it observes him slacking
Use of collateral: farmer must pay back \(C\) when his crop fails
Expected utility is now \(p(R-(1+i)L-D)+(1-p)(-C-D)\) if farmers works hard,
and \(q(R-(1+i)L)+(1-q)(-C)\) if farmers does not work hard
If we set \(C=L(1+i)\), then we get efficient solution- if bank got full collateral, then the problem is solved
But… if the farmer had full collateral, why would he go to the bank at the first place?
Microfinance is a response to lack of access to credit by poor households
Many poor people participate in ROSCAs as a way to save and get access to “credit”
But credit itself is very difficult for many to obtain
For all the reasons we discussed (adverse selection, moral hazard, contract enforcement, perhaps lack of competition in the banking sector)
Microfinance is a method to get credit to low-income individuals, who are usually excluded from the formal credit market
The first big microfinance institution was the Grameen Bank, in Bangladesh
It was started by Muhammad Yunus, an economist
First loan was for $27 to 42 women, in 1974 during a famine
Started a formal bank not long thereafter
See the 16 decisions
The basic idea of microcredit is to give loans in groups (not universal)
Strategy varies, but the basic group idea is that failing to repay either prohibits other group members from getting loans, or they have to co-sign for your loan, etc.
Typically loans have been targeted to serve a general social purpose - i.e. especially to women, to foster microenterprise, etc.
This is not, however, always the case
Grameen bank had long reported positive profits, and that it had served this social purpose as well, so that it was basically win-win
we will talk a bit about the actual empirics behind it all
Basic problem: tradeoff between targeting the very poor and profits, at least empirically
Lots of heterogeneity in the types of microfinance banks out there these days.
Other issues:
What is the impact of microfinance?
Who benefits? “rich poor” vs. “poor poor”
Goal: harness the power of the group structure to overcome hidden information and repayment problems
Default is low
Loans are often used for investments
More focus on women
Say that we have an adverse selection problem (similar to what we saw in the previous lecture)
Then, only 1 interest rate can be charged, and it might be too high for the safe types to want to stay in the market
In microfinance, borrowers can match into groups.
For simplicity, let consider groups of 2
Bank can make borrowers pay back \(L(1 + i )\) if they are successful
Partner pays \(c\) if they are successful but their partner fails: group liability - both partners are responsible for
Which type would people want to match with?
All want to match with safe types
Would safe type agree to match with risky type?
He might if the risky type compensated him
But we will see that this won’t happen in a very simple model
Also, the \(c\) will likely induce the risky types to pay a higher “effective interest rate”
logic: risky types are more likely to fail and so their partners will have to cover them more often
Let the probability of success be \(p_{2}\) for a risky type and \(p_{1}\) for a safe type, and \(p_1 > p_2\)
If the project is successful, the payoff is \(R_{2}\) for a risky type and \(R_{1}\) for a safe type
Let say a risky type is matched with a risky type:
\[\begin{eqnarray*} EU &=& p_{2}\left[R_{2}-L(1+i)-(1-p_{2})c\right] \\ &=& p_{2}R_{2}-p_{2}L(1+i)-p_{2}(1-p_{2})c \end{eqnarray*}\]
\[\begin{eqnarray*} EU &=& p_{2}\left[R_{2}-L(1+i)-(1-p_{1})c\right] \\ &=& p_{2}R_{2}-p_{2}L(1+i)-p_{2}(1-p_{1})c \end{eqnarray*}\]
\[ EU=p_{1}R_{1}-p_{1}L(1+i)-p_{1}(1-p_{1})c \]
\[ EU=p_{1}R_{1}-p_{1}L(1+i)-p_{1}(1-p_{2})c \]
If the system is left alone, a safe type always matches with a safe type and a risky with a risky (why?)
Let assume that the risky type could pay a safe type to match with him. How much extra utility does he get out of matching with a safe type, instead of a risky type?
Answer: take the difference between risky/safe and risky/risky:
\[\begin{eqnarray*} && p_{2}R_{2}-p_{2}L(1+i)-p_{2}(1-p_{1})c- \\ && \left[p_{2}R_{2}-p_{2}L(1+i)-p_{2}(1-p_{1})c \right]\\ &=&-p_{2}(1-p_{1})c+p_{2}(1-p_{2})c \\ &=&p_{2}c(p_{1}-p_{2}) \end{eqnarray*}\]
-How much does a safe type lose when he is matched with a risky type?
\[\begin{eqnarray*} && p_{1}R_{1}-p_{1}L(1+i)-p_{1}(1-p_{1})c- \\ && \left[p_{1}R_{1}-p_{1}L(1+i)-p_{1}(1-p_{2})c \right] \\ &=&-p_{1}(1-p_{1})c+p_{1}(1-p_{2})c \\ &=&p_{1}c(p_{1}-p_{2}) \end{eqnarray*}\]
This the minimum a safe type would need to agree to match with a risky type
So, in order to match with a safe type, a risky type is willing to pay up to \(p_{2}c(p_{1}-p_{2})\)
But in order to match with a risky type, a safe type needs to be compensated by at least \(p_{1}c(p_{1}-p_{2})\)
The second quantity is bigger because \(p_{1}>p_{2}\)
Implication: the safe type needs more than the risky type can pay
A safe type matched with a risky type has to pay for his partner very commonly (i.e. the probability that he is successful and his risky partner is unsuccessful is high)
But a risky type matched with a risky type has to pay for his partner less often (i.e. the probability that he.s successful and his risky partner is unsuccessful is lower, since he.s not as likely to be successful)
Conclusion: safe matches w/ safe, risky w/ risky (positive matching)
So, how much do people pay (in expectations) in insuring their partner?
risky-risky: \(p_{2}(1-p_{2})c\)
safe-safe: \(p_{1}(1-p_{1})c\)
Numerical illustration: let say \(p_{1}=0.9\) and \(p_{2}=0.8\)
risky-risky pays more than safe-safe
In general, if \(p_{1}>p_{2}>0.5\), then risky-risky always pays more
Similarly the \(c\) can tend to impede moral hazard so long as there is some monitoring between parties
Idea: gives an incentive to keep an eye on your partner
Other things the bank can do
offer a dynamic repayment incentive: if borrower does not pay back, he is barred from all future loans
Regular repayment rather than fixed repayment at the end of the term as is usually the case
Require collateral, or require to save on top of the repayment, etc.
Microfinance is a really wonderful concept and an incredibly important way to target poor people.
Many unanswered questions, however:
What outcomes are we interested in? Poverty? Small business development? Female empowerment issues?
Does microfinance help the poor poor or the rich poor? How do we think about MF if it is the rich poor? Is it “bad” if MF helps only the relatively better off?
Most importantly: what is the impact of microfinance, on any dimension?
1800 observations for 87 villages in 29 tanas (districts) in Bangladesh
Some have Microfinance programs, some do not
3 programs: Grameen, BRAC (Bangladeshi rural advancement committee), BRDB (Bangladesh rural development board)
These programs located in certain villages (non-randomly)
Think about how we can estimate a program effect.
The evaluation is going to be based on the fact that the programs were only supposed to make loans to people with less than 0.5 acres of land. People with more than 0.5 acres were not supposed to be targeted by these programs.
Morduch uses a technique difference-in-difference
Microfinance seemed to have a relatively lower impact on consumption
These results are in stark contrast to some earlier work with similar data by Pitt and Khandker (1998). They find large impacts for women.
Possible reasons:
Rules do not seem to be enforced.
Perhaps you get into the program if you are poor
OR the program officer likes you.
Obviously this is going to bias the results significantly lots and lots of mistargetting here makes it very hard to know what the true results were